Election Day is right around the corner!
Let’s make a plan to make everything go as smoothly as possible.
Sometimes mistakes are made, and people are erroneously taken off voter rolls. Double-check your registration now, so you’re not surprised at the polling place.
Double-check your registration
Voting is crucial, but so is knowing who/what you’re voting for. One day we’ll be a one-stop shop for all your voting needs; but until that happens, BallotReady.org can show you what’s on your ballot and help out with the research.
If you have any follow-up questions, feel free to email us at info@wearevoters.org and we’ll clarify where we can. We will never tell you how to vote, but we’re here to help you understand the process of it all.
Research what’s on your ballot
Everything’s easier with a plan! Whether you want to vote in person, by mail, early, or on Election Day, let us help you with our Election Day game plan!
Make a plan
Find three friends who are on the fence about voting, and get them to join in on the fun with you! They can take the pledge right now, and we can all work together to get all of you voting.
Get a voting buddy!
You may have already received your ballot in the mail by now. If you haven’t, and believe you should have, contact your Sec. of State right away.
Voting by mail?
Time off for voting
Find out if you need to schedule time off for voting ahead of time, and whether you’ll be paid or not. Scroll down on our voter pledge page to find your state and see your election laws.
Additional Information
Voting in person?
Whether you’re voting early or on Election Day, we want you to be as safe as possible. So please remember to bring your own:
A book/your patience. (You might have to wait a while, unfortunately.)
Voter ID laws
Every state has different laws regarding voter IDs. Make sure you’re prepared now. Scroll down on our voter pledge page to find your state and see your election laws.
Voting early?
Remember that early polling places may be different than your Election Day polling place, so be aware of that when you’re looking for your polling spot.
Keep this number on hand
If you run into any issues at your polling place, don’t hesitate to call the national election protection hotline, to talk to a lawyer for free.